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A human wakes up in the everfree before the events of nightmare moon. Or adult Luna and Celestia. Oh, and he’s a bird. A magical bird, but still a bird.

Chapters (58)

Young Nictis had one dream: to serve his hive by becoming an Infiltrator, the most vital and vaunted role a changeling could aspire to. To hide in plain sight among the other species, blending in, while gathering the vital emotional energies that fueled his people. Few were deemed worthy of the dangerous job. He was one of the few nymphs selected for training, in the hopes that one of them would develop the skills needed to be entrusted with such a treacherous task.

But when a training expedition ends in tragedy, Nictis finds himself thrust into the role not to serve his hive and people, but to preserve his own life. Separated from the hive, alone, he must put what little training he has to the test. He must blend in with the hive's greatest source of food, and its most dangerous enemy: the ponies of Equestria.

(This story takes place in the same continuity as Fragments, but stands on its own. Reading that story isn't necessary for this one.)

TV Tropes page

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (23)

There's only so much failure a changeling can tolerate. For Shade, once was enough. Years of training and preparation in the hopes of achieving a new life for himself and his colony wasted because of the negligence of their leader. It's time to try a different approach; if force won't work, then maybe peace and diplomacy will. What could go wrong?

A chance encounter in a creepy forest; A tree filled to the brim with books; A brief and sudden rain shower. These are all things that will change Shade's life forever.

Chapters (22)

It’s the week before the Canterlot wedding and tensions are high, even more so for the changeling love collectors. With the results of the wedding, life is going to change drastically, regardless of the outcome.

For one co-owner of the Sweet Roast Cafe, wife to a loving stallion, and undercover changeling, Sweet Leaf can only hope this change is kind.

Edited by Cursori, Fade, and Lingo

Preread by 63.546.

Cover art by lilfunkman.

Chapters (7)

A young girl, having been robbed of her childhood and very life by illness finds herself given a second chance in a strange world and with an even stranger body. With a new life, family, and even a brother, she tries to cope with the bizarre world she's found herself in while also trying to embrace her role and become worthy of the gift she has been given.
Being a princess can be hard however, even if it's only an honorary title, especially when you're the twin sister of Prince Blueblood.

Warning, very slow burn.

Chapters (39)

Woo, Featured!
And new cover by ProjectRabbid

Choices, and our ability to stick to them, are what makes us ponies. It doesn't matter whether they are right or wrong, the important thing is that they had to be made. When a barely adult unicorn with an ambitious name Blazing Light leaves his home to start a new life his steps lead him to a company in which he is rightfully nervous - princess Luna's guards.

Also, a direct sequel.

Chapters (84)

I still can't believe it all started with a family camping trip gone wrong. One moment I was enjoying my time with my parents and brothers, then next thing I knew I was stranded on a world full of magic and mythological creatures. In one day, I went from worrying about the upcoming calculus test to worrying about my next meal. I remember how the only thing keeping me going was the hope that I might find a way home. Little did I know that some deities had other plans in store for me.

I remember all the promises I made, both those kept and betrayed. I remember the friends I made on my little adventure; the same friends I threw away when everything came crashing down. Oh, the memories I made... Oh, the memories I am now forever cursed to remember.

I suppose this is a just punishment. My only regret is that my friends may never hear my side of the story.

Set between Seasons 2 and 3 // Some deviations from canon post-season 2 due to when this was originally started.

Pre-read, Cover art, and Audio Reading provided by: Skijarama

Chapters (32)

A human goes to sleep and wakes up in a pony's body and is falling from the sky. His adventure in a land full of color ponies has only just begun. But first, he must overcome a great challenge...talking to strangers.

As soon as he lands.

The cover art is mine.

Chapters (18)

Everyone has their circle of friends in college. Mine is relatively small. There's me, Noah, an Astronomy major. There's Klaus, a griffon, and a Game Design major. There's Maud, an earth pony, and a Geology major...

and then there's Nightshade.

She's a transfer student from Equestria, and the most recent member of our circle. Klaus, Maud and I have known her for three months, and she's adjusted nicely to life in Florida. We all consider her to be a close friend, and she seems to feel the same way about us.

But as much as we'd all like to think that we know everything about our best friends, sometimes that isn't the case.

This is an HiE/Anthro story where humans and ponies have been in contact for fifteen years, and takes place after Season 3, but in an alternate timeline from Season 4. The story takes place on Earth, and because I know someone will ask: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO ANY OF MY PREVIOUS STORIES.

Cover Art: Me
Editor: danail24
Creative Consultant: Dewybmt

Featured on 7/12/14!

Chapters (20)

A not so standard human-in-Equestria story including but not limited to: democracy, tequila, and robots.

Things escalate from there.

TV Tropes page

Now translated into Korean

Chapters (222)